Privacy Policy
The Shimane Prefectural Yakumotatsu Fudoki-no-oka protects important personal information in accordance with Shimane’s regulations for the safeguarding of such information as well as the Culture Foundation of Shimane Prefecture’s guidelines for the protection of personal information.
Restrictions on possession
When retaining personal information, its purpose of use will be specified whenever possible.
Personal information that is not needed to achieve that purpose of use will not be retained.
Restrictions on acquisition
Personal information will be acquired through legal and reasonable means, and as a general rule directly from its owner.
As a general rule, personal information related to an individual’s ideology, creed, or religious beliefs will not be acquired.
When acquiring personal information from someone directly in writing, as a general rule the purpose of use will be specified to that individual.
Proper management
Personal information will be used within the scope of its specified purpose of use.
Steps will be taken to prevent the disclosure of personal information.
When entrusting personal information to a third party, necessary steps will be taken to ensure its protection.
Restrictions on usage and provision
As a general rule, retained personal information will not be used or provided for a reason other than its stated purpose of use.
If personal information is provided to a third party, that recipient will be required to take necessary steps to ensure its protection.
○ When providing personal information over an online computer network, necessary steps will be taken to ensure its protection.